Monday, July 23, 2012

Alaska Family Reunion

Macey on the 4th of July at the Gustavus beach.

Exploring the beach at low tide

Walking on the beach with Grandma.

Catching some bait

Alan and Logan Kyaking

Logan and Rocky getting pulled on a kid dog sled

BBQ at the Pleasant Island beach

The kids favorite part of the boat. Hot Chocolate with Grandpa.


Macey with an authentic "dog sled rider" hat.


Logan's "Cheese"

Loving the rain

Grandpa and Logan fishing.  Logan kept saying, "pull up the big Halibut".  He wasn't very patient.

Macey driving the boat with Grandpa.

The kids watching Grandpa clean the fish.

Grandma and the kids

Grandpa's friends the Sea Lions

a little crab Macey found

Macey and her little "Ewok" brother digging in the sand

Long days, tired boys!

4th of July

Logan and Alan....egg tossing it up!

1 comment:

Jeff and Nichole said...

Looks like an awesome fun trip! It looks really beautiful there!