Monday, March 24, 2008

Can you guess who her favorite babysitters are? They're ours too.


Kari said...

Yes! I'm so glad to see some more pictures of my niece (however you spell that) She's adorable and I'm not just saying that to be nice.

joshandemily said...

She is gorgeous! I'm so glad I could meet her today. I love your blog, you guys are really good at posting a lot. We want to hang out with you before you have to leave:(

Esther Noelle said...

Gotta love the swadle!

Traci said...

Hey, I'm glad I found your blog. It turns out that blogging is a great pass time for new moms. Cute baby by the way!

Mike and Nicole said...

Hey we found your blog! Macey is so adorable you guys! Try to enjoy every moment because get so big so fast. Morgan will be 1 in two weeks. She just wants to go, go, go. So get as much snuggle time as you can.

Lindsay Jane said...

Lisa - it was so fun seeing you last night! I love your blog, most especially because you post frequently. Come by the office soon, we'd love to see you again.