Saturday, June 21, 2008

We also went kayaking, it's so beautiful in Alaska. We had quite a few warm, sunny, beautiful days.
Macey had a lot of fun too. She's getting bigger everyday. She smiles and coos a ton. She rolled over for the first time the last day we were in Alaska.
I really wanted to pull the anchor. I did a good job for awhile, but finally had to get Alan to come help me. Now I know why Jim (Alan's dad) is so strong!


Sarah and Duane said...

Macey looks so old and cute! Alaska looked like a lot of fun too, I'm impressed with the fish.

Auntie Ange said...

That looks like so much fun!! YOu guys did rake in the fish! Nice I said, Macey just keeps getting cuter and cuter...and bigger and bigger for that matter!!