Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our vacation to Banff Canada

Two days after we got back from Alaska, we went with my family on vacation to Banff Canada. We had a great time. The scenery was very similar to Alaska's scenery...gorgeous place.
In this picture we are standing by Lake Louise. The water was a turquoise color.

We went on a Gondola ride up to the top of a mountain. It was beautiful.
Despite the serious look Macey was a little Angel on the drive there and back. It's about 10 hours each way, and she didn't cry once. She was content just hanging out with Cosmo.


Esther Noelle said...

Looks like you guys had such a good time! Love Macey in the baby carrier! And thats amazing she did so well on that long drive. Go, Macey!

Anonymous said...

Cosmo? THat gal is blue through and through. you've taught her well. Hey, you guys going to the BYU game in Seattle?