Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Just Hate Bad Hair Cuts

So I got a hair cut that I'm just not sure about. I told the lady I wanted an A line. I thought A lines had a little layering in the I wrong? My hair cut is shorter in the back and gets a bit longer in front, but it's more like a bob. I think I'm going to have to start bringing pictures in of the hair cut I want as well as going to more expensive, better places. I guess it serves me right for being cheap! No more "SuperCuts" for me.


Unknown said...

dang it!! I hate that too. Well, the best thing about a bad cut, if there is such a thing, is that it will grow back. Good luck.

Esther Noelle said...

Hey where's the picture of your bad hair cut? I want to see!

And YES! Always bring several pictures with you! And normally if you say A line they go overboard with the A with super short in the back so I'm surprised it ended up more of a bob.

I miss your sleeping beauty hair!! :)

The Richardsons said...

Oh that is my worst nightmare! I am so lucky to have a family member who is a fabulous hair dresser. Of course, I'm sure that absolutely anything looks good on you!

Traci said...

I was recently pressed for time so I went to dollar cuts. I was less than pleased with the results too. Oh well, I've learned my lesson now.

Kelli said...

Same thing happened to me about two months ago. Trying to grow it out now and it seems like it takes forever! Good luck.

joshandemily said...

I hear you! I'm sure it looks so cute on you though.