Saturday, November 15, 2008

Apples + Apples + Apples= Apple Sauce!

Alan had work off Monday, so we spent it making and canning apple sauce with my mom. We made a heck of a lot of apple sauce...60+ jars that will last the Kearns and Blair family a long time! It was fun but exhausting by the end.
Macey was very helpful...she chased us around in her walker, and tried to pick up the apples out of the many boxes we had.

Alan worked on his squishing and cranking coordination...he got really good at it! Notice how focused he is :)


Auntie Ange said...

Macey's hair has gotten a lot longer since I saw the last pictures.
That applesauce looks so delicious!!

Jeff and Nichole said...

We miss having you guys next door.

Heather Kearns said...

Apples are the best! I wish I was there with you learning how to make applesauce. Maybe you can teach me someday! Love you guys!

AWS said...

Yes! home made applesauce. I'm just going to eat that all week when we come to visit. Might make me a bit gassy...but worth it, right? right?